Medshark C2 - Portable UVC Sterilizer

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World's First Human Body Detection UV-C Portable Sterilizer

  • 8 seconds sterilization on most surfaces (Up to 99.99% efficiency)
  • Patented Human Body Detection Sensor - Avoid harmful exposure to eyes and skin due to incorrect usage
  • 260-280nm UV-C band - Highest effectiveness against harmful bacteria
  • Mercury & Ozone Free
  • Pocket-size - 36 grams, 114*35*33mm (smaller then most smartphones)
  • Extended rechargeable battery (300mAh), Charges via USB-C
  • LED timer status - Ensures correct sterilization period for maximum effectiveness
  • Independent bio-laboratory tested & certified
  • Versatile - easily sterilize mask, mobile phone, toothbrush, computer keyboards, toilet sets, light switches, toys, makeup kits and other high-touch areas!

How Does UV-C Sterilization Work?

  1. UV sterilization works by breaking down certain chemical bonds and scrambling the structure of DNA, RNA and proteins, causing a microorganism to be unable to multiply.
  2. When a microorganism is unable to multiply, it is considered dead since it cannot reproduce within a host and is no longer infectious.

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