The Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is an infectious disease that affects both young and old. This disease affects people in different ways. Those who are older suffer from pre-existing medical conditions are more vulnerable to serious symptoms like difficulty breathing or shortness of breath, chest pain or pressure and loss of speech and movement if being contracted. Whereas, others may experience mild to moderate illness. Some are even asymptomatic, showing no signs of any illness. The most common symptoms of COVID-19 are dry coughing, fever and tiredness.
Simple steps to protect yourself and others:
Wash your hands regularly
Wash your hand frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or the duration it takes to sing the Happy Birthday song twice.
It is essential to wash your hands:
• Before touching your face
• Before preparing or consuming food
• After being in a public place
• After using the toilet
• After touching your mask
• After blowing your nose, coughing or sneezing
• After touching pets
If soap is not readily available, use a hand sanitizer that contains at least 60% alcohol content. Make sure to rub all surfaces of your hand, front, back and in-between the fingers.
Avoid close contact and maintain social distancing
In public:
Avoid crowded places and ensure a distance of at least 1m from others. When there is a crowd, you are more likely to come into close contact with someone that has COVID-19.
At home:
Avoid coming into contact with family members who are ill and feeling unwell.
Wear a mask
A mask should be worn when you are in public space. It is meant to protect yourself and others from the spread of COVID-19. Masks help to reduce transmission significantly as they are able to reduce the exposure to exhaled droplets and saliva.
Masks will be part of the new normal, and finding a quality mask that is comfortable and effective is crucial. The Aüb 3D Face Mask from AXTRO is handy and breathable yet effective in filtering and blocking droplets.

Some have experienced sore ears when wearing a mask over an extended period of time. However, the Chikool 3-Ply Surgical Disposable Face Mask from AXTRO maintains its effectiveness and provides comfortability for users. The strap around the ears is made from polyester and spandex, making it comfortable and stretchy.

Clean and disinfect regularly
Ensure your house is cleaned and disinfected regularly. Surfaces that are frequently touched should be cleaned the most regularly as bacteria may build up and the virus may cling on to such areas more frequently.
Areas and surfaces such as:
• Countertops
• Tables
• Kitchen Stove
• Desks
• Keyboards
• Remote
Detergents and soap with water should be used when cleaning. A household disinfectant may be used after cleaning as well.
Monitor your health daily
Stay alert and be in tune with your body. Once feeling unwell, you should watch for symptoms and indicators of COVID-19. It would be best if you were especially wary of symptoms such as fever, cough, difficulty in breathing or other possible COVID-19 symptoms. You should also take your temperature twice a day to make sure that you are not unwell.
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